Art project
Me and Water Art Project - Choppy Waters
1 . Duck
Location: Dusseldorf Section of Rhine, Funan River, Chengdu
Material: Blue discarded flashlight
How it was done: A flashlight found in a river in Chengdu was taken to Germany, disassembled, reassembled into a duck and placed in the Rhine River
Participant: Chen Qiang Chen YiLang
When I was doing another piece of art in the Funan River in Chengdu, I found something blue in the river, so I picked it up, a flashlight, or half a flashlight to be exact, and took it to Dusseldorf, Germany, to make a piece of art, and put it in the river and the ducks in the river with the water. An art project about water City: 3.4 km from Funan River, Chengdu Duesseldorf Rhine reach
I started this art project in 2013. The flowing river, stream, and sea are all integrated with me in this project, which is a warning of crisis and also my
conjecture for the future.
2. River self-portrait
Material: White canvas
Location: Dusseldorf Section of Rhine, Funan River, Chengdu Implementation
process: Soak two pieces of cloth into two rivers for 15 minutes and then pick them up for display
Participant: Chen Qiang Chen YiLang
Put a piece of white cloth in Chengdu Funan River for 10 minutes, another white cloth in Rhein River for 10 minutes, show them after dry.
The river part is the most important starting point of this art project. The town where I grew up is built along the mountain and surrounded by water. Chengdu, which is more than 800 kilometers away, is the city where I live now. That's why a lot of my work is about it.
3. International oil prices
Address:Pengzhou Petroleum Factory
Participants: Future Zhang Yu, Lin Peng, Wang Dongtao
Address: upstream river of Chengdu
Secretly sketch in Chengdu area of "Pengzhou Petroleum Factory" .30 paintings, and in ten days time on the Internet to the international crude oil futures prices converted into Renminbi for sale, every day only sell 3 copies.
Modern chemical industry and human distance in the end how much is appropriate? My city is beautiful and lively, but this controversial upstream chemical plant makes artists must act!
4. The fiood through the west of the city
15 minutes
Black and white film
Film by: Chen Qiang
With global warming and extreme weather, there are always a few days of floods in Chengdu in summer. On July 13, 2013, there was heavy rain upstream and floods downstream.
Cities are built by rivers. At this time, cities become very dangerous places. Nature questions human beings with floods.
5 .Melting ice -- in memory of Wang Xiangjun
Conceptual works of art Materials: Mobile phone, recorder
Set an alarm clock
Implementation process: I set the sound of iceberg melting as my daily alarm clock to remind myself to take care of the earth environment
This is a traveler who spends years doing fieldwork on glaciers around the world. Died on 20 December 2020 in the Igar Glacier into the glacial river.
I used it to photograph the sound of melting glacier water to make my alarm clock ring in his memory and to remind people about global warming.
Originally, I wanted to go to the Iga Glacier to record and listen to the melting of the glaciers to feel the pain of global warming. However, I realized that my actions were actually increasing the speed of global warming. So I gave up the idea, and it was more meaningful to use his recorded voice to make works.

6. The sound of the Turkish sea in September
Sound works
Materials: Voice recorder
Release platform: qq Music
Thanks: George
n September 2, 2015, the body of Aylan Kurdi, a young refugee, was found on the beach of Turkey. His appearance on the beach looked exactly like his own children sleeping. In 2017, I asked my friend George, who was traveling in Turkey, to go to the sea area and record the sound of the water and send it to me, and I made it into a sound work. And put it online as a one-time memorial to those who died trying to live.
7.Take "Chengdu Map" around Dusseldorf
Performance art
Materials: Maps
Implementation process: Wandering the streets of German cities with "Chengdu Map"
I bought a city map in Chengdu and brought it to Dusseldorf, Germany (I was invited to participate in the Art Residency creation project of the City Culture Bureau of Dusseldorf, Germany). I followed this map to wander, marking the buildings of the two cities, and finally walking to the Rhine River. What is particularly interesting is that the location of the Rhine River in Dusseldorf is almost identical to the geographical area of Funan River in Chengdu, and the city's administrative and cultural locations are highly overlapping, even religious sites.
1. Standing Up Again -- Art Healing Project
Address: Mental Health Center, West China Hospital, West China Medical University, Sichuan
Time: 2020-present
Artists and doctors: Chen Qiang, Pu Yumei, Zhang Jun, Yu Liangming, Zhu Yue
1Sound healing Improvise with depressed patients on homemade instruments to find emotional flashpoints.
2 Animation Story By telling the pain of depressed patients orally, more people participate in rescue, and more sick people dare to call for help.
3 theater Do a little internal drama with the patient to find an emotional breakthrough.

This interdisciplinary experiment is more about interventional healing by artists rather than direct treatment. Doctors and nurses provide on-site guidance throughout the whole process, and participate in data monitoring and analysis and summary of the whole process.
Art originally comes from psychological needs, and when psychological problems arise, it should also stand up and guide medical treatment. This art project has lasted for two years, during which my assistant and I would go to the hospital on Friday every week to do sound and theater healing with patients and communicate with patients and doctors afterwards. During this period, I found that many patients were very brave, daring to stand up to their illness and call for help. Later, I found that some collaborators in other fields began to escape from psychological problems and had many differences. Therefore, I met friends who called for help from me later
2. Museum art project
Location: Sichuan Museum, Sichuan University Museum A total of three art project cooperation
Research interests: Dialogue between contemporary art and museum objects
Works: installation art, sound art, performance art, video art Academic literature Review: DIMENSIONS OF DISCOURSE
Our cooperation with museums comes from the consensus of exhibition concept, that is, using the entity and connotation of museums to create more meaningful and contemporary things, so that this cooperation can be more sustainable, artists can find their own language path in such a context, and construct their own museum system.
Although the cooperation with the museum is somewhat accidental, it also has many precedents. However, when facing specific projects, artists have their own tendency to choose, which is also the internal motivation for the continuation of these works in their own system.
"One Dust" installation art
Make a sculpture corresponding to the cultural relic - high heels with the soil of the cultural relic on display. The cultural relic on display is a woman's dress in the Ming Dynasty. The artist went to the place where the relic originated and dug up enough dirt to make a work about dirt.
"Guns" installation art
A gun made from the shredded paper money is on display in the coin section of the museum.
The Ring installation art
Make seven rings according to the love stories of seven ancient female painters, and each ring corresponds to the story of an ancient female painter
"Sound" music works
The Ming Dynasty women's life as a creative inspiration for the museum exhibition as background music.
Borrow Fire performance art
I made my own oil lamp by hand, took it to the museum to borrow a fire, and put the burning oil lamp on the roof beam of Sichuan University Art Museum until the end of the exhibition